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  1. سلام حداقل 15 روزه که از سایت صرافی واریز کردم که یادم رفت آدرس یادداشتم رو بذارم حداقل هزاران دلار تو این سایت واریز کردم. حتی پس از مسدود شدن رسمی این سپرده، صدها دلار واریز داشتم. این واقعاً منصفانه نیست که پول من بی دلیل مسدود شود.
  2. Hello, I have been your VIP member for several months, and you can check my activity. I deposited a lot of money for betting, and I encountered the strangest thing in the years I have been playing, and that is that it has been two days since I contacted online support. I will send you a message, but please do not send a message from them. Please follow up. It is very strange to me that you are not following up because before this happened I thought you were the best site in the world, but I was totally shocked and if it is not followed up tonight, I will leave the site altogether because I am both sad and nervous. I have been waiting since last night.
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