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  1. Under "Up/Down" then "Futures" the setting to disable having to press 'cash out' THEN another button to confirm it, does not work. The default ALWAYS should have been to cash out when I press 'cash out'. But if youre going to make me click a second button, the option to disable this REALLY needs to work. The idea that anyone would want a delay when the point is to profit off of small sudden price changes makes no sense.
  2. WORKING VERSION! This update fixes any bugs the last one had. Also, for the newbies, this is used by opening developer tools (on basically any browser) then pasting it into the console. setInterval(function() { try { // Locate the "Run Script" button const runScriptButton = document.querySelector("#HashDice-control-2 > div.game-control-panel > div > div.sqshipa.scripts-inputs > div.actions > button.ui-button.button-normal.s-conic2"); // Check if the button exists and has the correct text content if (runScriptButton && runScriptButton.textContent.trim() === "Run Script") { // Click the "Run Script" button runScriptButton.click(); console.log("Clicked 'Run Script' button automatically."); // Flag to track successful "Run Script" button click let runScriptClicked = true; // Only proceed to look for the confirmation button if the "Run Script" button was successfully clicked if (runScriptClicked) { setTimeout(function() { try { // Locate the confirmation button const confirmationButton = document.querySelector("#root > div.wdcb8sn.ui-pop-overlayer > div > div > div.btns > button.ui-button.button-normal.s-conic.light > div"); // Click the confirmation button if it exists if (confirmationButton) { confirmationButton.click(); console.log("Clicked confirmation button automatically."); } else { console.log("Confirmation button not found."); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error attempting to click the confirmation button:", error); } }, 3000); } } else { console.log("'Run Script' button not found or not displaying correct text."); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error attempting to click the 'Run Script' button:", error); } }, 30000); // Check every 30 seconds
  3. Okay guys, this should work for hashdice... note that it checks every 30 seconds, just a personal preference giving me enough time to make a small change if I stop it manually. setInterval(function() { try { // Locate the "Run Script" button const runScriptButton = document.querySelector("#HashDice-control-2 > div.game-control-panel > div > div.sqshipa.scripts-inputs > div.actions > button.ui-button.button-normal.s-conic2"); // Check if the button exists and has the correct text content if (runScriptButton && runScriptButton.textContent.trim() === "Run Script") { // Click the "Run Script" button runScriptButton.click(); console.log("Clicked 'Run Script' button automatically."); // Wait 3 seconds for the confirmation button to appear setTimeout(function() { try { // Locate the confirmation button const confirmationButton = document.querySelector("#root > div.wdcb8sn.ui-pop-overlayer > div > div > div.btns > button.ui-button.button-normal.s-conic.light > div"); // Click the confirmation button if it exists if (confirmationButton) { confirmationButton.click(); console.log("Clicked confirmation button automatically."); } else { console.log("Confirmation button not found."); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error attempting to click the confirmation button:", error); } }, 3000); } else { console.log("'Run Script' button not found or not displaying correct text."); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error attempting to click the 'Run Script' button:", error); } }, 30000); // Check every 30 seconds
  4. No simple solution yet? Annoyed BC Game did this.
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