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Monstrous Eberto

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Everything posted by Monstrous Eberto

  1. video poker win streak how many times in a row can you win in video poker? play video poker post a screenshot of your longest winstreak 1x payout or higher. players win streak will be added up. if there is a tie the multipliers will be added to see who won the most. if there is still a tie, the one with the largest bet wins. if there is still a tie the one who posted first wins.
  2. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MPMGF2ZP9ZWZ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MPMQNFC67Y1F https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MPYF1J74J8R7 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MQ54EI0D68LV https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MQ5GQ7J892XF
  3. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10KNGB49ZRGX77 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10KNGEI472EYAB https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10KNGG3PUWMCR7 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10KNGHL4B7WKCZ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10KNGJJ089ZTW3
  4. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10JTQ76XED4T8Z https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10JTQM80LYH0CZ
  5. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IC6FOZHAE42B https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IC7PH5YK6Q6R https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IEHX6QQRU7TF ...
  6. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HIVDMWPQQO0J 11× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HIRO1Z7D4AHF 29× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HISOP89DK7BN 43×
  7. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HFR7KDL2T6AB https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HFRN12RARQXF https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HFRR59JNSSGJ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HFRX50516M8J https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HFS0BUZIWAHF 5 consecutive reds winstreak. Going for more but posting this for now.
  8. In case anyone finds these helpful. Low Risk Payouts; Classic Risk Payouts; Medium Risk Payouts; High Risk Payouts; If you spot any mistakes please let me know and ill fix it really quick. I've double checked multiple times and i dont see any myself. Should be good to go. Gonna post them in Keno section as well.
  9. 5× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEI39W39I5UB 15× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEIFU5IMH3IR 25× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEIXZB4ZVQC3 33× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEJ55G9SM2HF 44× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEJCR8A65NV7 55× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEJJ5Z6501ZN 66× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEJQ2YA95S7N 75× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEJWN7KRDO2B 90× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEK2UYRS3UVN 99× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEK7JZ1PLIQB 100× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEKJTHUR18UR 150× https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GEL7ZLTG96VN 180×...
  10. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10FDWQSUDMQK2B we need one bet!
  11. Created by: Monstrous Eberto be Creative Game: Keno Hunt: b C Payout: 1000× Hit 10 numbers on a medium risk. The 10 numbers must spell b C. SEE ATTACHMENT'S FOR DETAILS ON HOW to choose numbers. ∆ Optional bonus opportunity; be Creative; when you post your win showing 10 numbers picked that spell out b C, let everyone know what your b C stands for. Like; best Challenge! or batmans Cock! 1-3 winners! Chosen by the Mod that hosted this game.
  12. Created by: Monstrous Eberto Played Aug 1-7th any year. National Breast Feeding Week Game: ULTIMATE Dice Hunt: 8008 Payout: 9900× Or Limbo payout 8008× If BET iD has 8008 in it somewhere win remaining prizes. 20 prizes in total. Prizes given out are subtracted from the total prize. If first bet iD has 8008 in it they get all the prizes. If 20th bet iD has it they get 1 prize. Frequent nursing encourages good milk supply and reduces engorgement. Aim for nursing at least 10 – 12 times per day (24 hours). You CAN'T nurse too often–you CAN nurse too little. Nurse at the first signs of hunger (stirring, rooting, hands in mouth)–don't wait until baby is crying. Frequent playing encourages good vibes and reduces begging. Aim for playing at least 1-2 times per day. You can play for the left one & You can play for the right one. Play at the first signs of losers complaining (banning them first of course cause no one here is encouraging this. We know what happens if they win). BOOB Time
  13. Created by: Monstrous Eberto Game: Coco's Word of Fortune chat games Hunt: anything with a 9900× payout or more Payout: 9900× or more Here's an idea of how to manage this in chat. = Moderators message = Players message (Inside parentheses, is a discripton of what's in the message. Example DRAFT will have this. Example 1 will not.) Example DRAFT: Coco's Word of Fortune chat games _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Here will be any player with the letter they chose that's part of the puzzle. Payouts for a letter having more than any other letter down to the lowest amount of letters or until the puzzle is solved. This description won't need to be seen until players choose a correct letter) (Incorrect letters chosen are removed in a list of letters following the list of correct letters and who chose what letter. This basically needs to simply have the entire alphabet. Remove vowels A E I O and U.) B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z Win with a payout of 9900× to guess a letter (not vowels) or solve the puzzle. One choice per win posted of a payout of 9900× or more from Any game. ........................................................................................................................................................ Example 1 Coco's Word of Fortune Chat Games _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z Win with a payout of 9900× to guess a letter (not vowels) or solve the puzzle. One choice per win posted of a payout of 9900× or more from Any game. Player101 posts a win in chat that shows 9900× or more. Adding the letter or solution to the message. Or messages it shortly after a mod asks for his response. Which ever is easier. For now we'll say they chose letter R. Coco's Word of Fortune Chat Games _ _r_ _ _ _ _r_ _ _ _ R @Player101 B C D F G H J K L M N P Q S T V W X Y Z Win with a payout of 9900× to guess a letter (not vowels) or solve the puzzle. One choice per win posted of a payout of 9900× or more from Any game. Player102 post a win with 9900× payout or more. Guessing the letter F. Player103 post a win with 9900× payout or more. Guessing the solution. Word Of Fortune. Coco's Word of Fortune Chat Games Word of Fortune R @Player101 F @player102 Puzzle Solver @player103 B C D G H J K L M N P Q S T V W X Y Z Win with a payout of 9900× to guess a letter (not vowels) or solve the puzzle. One choice per win posted of a payout of 9900× or more from Any game. ...................................................thanks for playing........................................................... in the event if a player posts a bet before the updated message from the mod, it may or may not be valid. It's valid if the letter or solution has not yet been solved or guessed. Like in the example 1 Player 103 didn't wait to see if player 102 letter was or wasn't correct. But since they were correct in solving the puzzle it ended the game. Also giving player 102 a prize for picking F. If player 103 had posted solution before player 102 then player 102 would not get a prize. Once an updated Moderators message is posted with the next pieces to the puzzle the guesses that repeat or were already guessed are not valid. Urging the players to be patient for their guesses and not to just waist them. It's also likely players will wait to solve the puzzle. If this is the case only the first correct solution wins the puzzle solver prize. Which is the biggest prize for this game type. Medium prizes are rare. Only for letters that are easily noticable as dominant letters in the solution. Meaning once this letter was guessed the puzzle was much easier to solve. Most likely not going to be necessary. This doesn't apply to vowels. Vowels are added at 10min intervals. Making this game last up to 30 minutes. (Most solutions won't have all 5 vowels. If they did then 40minutes for the game. Vowels are chosen at Moderators choice. The point of the vowels is because I'm almost certain players will have a 9900× win waiting to share it but also waiting for more clues for the puzzle. Which is fine. But this allows the Moderators to have a chance to keep it organized. Only the first one to guess a letter or guess the solution. Not allowed to guess a letter and solution. (I assume some might say this; I guess letter f. And if so the solution is word of Fortune.) Players that do something like this should just guess the solution if they are so sure or wait for someone else to guess f to post the solution. I hope this doesn't happen cause it gives the answer to many who will likely complain and make it very messy IF THIS IS TOO CONFUSING OR IF YOU'D LIKE FOR A BETTER WAY OF EXPLAINING IT, PLEASE DELETE THIS POST AND DM ME AND I'LL DO A MUCH BETTER JOB. IM ON A TABLET TILL I GET A NEW BATTERY FOR MY PHONE OR A LAPTOP. THIS TABLET SUCKS. CANT DO MUCH. NOT EVEN SCREENSHOTS LOL.
  14. Created by: Monstrous Eberto 9 winners. 9 different numbers. TRUST IF ITS YOURS TO WIN, YOU'LL WIN. Game: Ultimate Dice Choose a REPEATING NUMBER. 1111 • 2222 • 3333 • 4444 • 5555 • 6666 • 7777 • 8888 • 9999 Payout: 9900× BE THE FIRST TO SHARE YOUR WIN ON ANY OF THE NUMBERS SHOWN ABOVE. IT IS POSSIBLE TO WIN MORE THAN ONCE! CHOOSE THE NUMBER TO GO FOR OR WAIT TO NOTICE WHICH ONE NOBODY ELSE IS GOING FOR. THIS IS A GREAT EXCERCISE TO LEARN HOW TO TRUST YOUR GUT, SOUL, OR INTUITION. TRUST IF ITS YOURS TO WIN, YOU'LL WIN. Only one winner for each number! If you notice someone else win change your number. Or trust the one you chose will Win so go for it. If not, you at least got a good payout. Did you win with the number(s) you chose? Check out the following link https://numerologist.com/ (One thing I used to do is wait for a tool hunt on any of the dice sites. I wouldn't focus on winning the hunt. But I would simply hope I'll hit the result. More times than not the hunt would be over, but I wouldn't let myself check the chat until I hit. And always do minimum win chance. I would be happy cause I would bet a decent amount. Usually 0.5 doge at the time it was less than 0.01 USD. Anyways, in case you don't win the challenge, you might be able to Win in another way. And you really might want to bet big because for real a lot of times I did win the roll hunt and got a high payout. I never catch the challenges here. Chat closes if betting on phone. So most likely someone on desktop/ laptop will win challenges like this.) Share if you won though. Is the message something you needed to hear? Did you win with more than one? Does this sort of thing help you learn to trust your gut? Or is it something else you're experiencing? I like to learn other peoples experiences and learn what they notice through them. It helps me be more mindful to also learn a new way of looking at things. Perspectives are amazing to learn about. Just Be true with yours. Watch it grow. I personally see it as proof that there really is life again and again. so have fun. You'll have fun again. Always be honest. Agape Love Is For Everyone. Accepting Love Inspires Full Expression. Anyone Lost Is Finding Enlightenment. Another Love In Full Effect. Find a reason to Love instead of hate.
  15. Created by: Monstrous Eberto Angel number sequence 1's Game: Ultimate Dice Hunt: 1 • 11 • 111 • 1111 Win chance: 11.11% - Set low to 1 and high to 1111 - win by sharing one of the four numbers as your result. One win will be that you rolled 1. Another will be that you rolled 11. And same for 111 & 1111. All four can be found if you set your low number to 1. And set your high number to 1111. It gives you a 11.11% win chance. if you are a winner read the following link. It's likely your angels may be trying to communicate with you. https://numerologist.com/numerology/real-meaning-behind-angel-numbers-1-11-111-1111/
  16. If im not too late, i finally managed to add music. I didnt get to sing with it like i had hoped. If its too late, enjoy anyways lol and merry xmas!
  17. Re drew this out in 2000 pixles so the laptop actually shows BC.Game log in screen.
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